Monday 3 December 2012

Best Tips On How to Pass a Job Interview

During an interview, the interviewer is seeking the right person to take on the job of the well being of the company, while a job seeker is making an effort to take on the job of interest. The power of losing the job or acquiring it lies in the power of the job seeker. It is up to an individual to sell him or her self before the interviewer to prove that he or she is the right person they are searching for, the right person to work with. Before the interviewing panel even capable people lose good jobs as a result of failing to sell them selves well or making some mistakes.Here are some tips on how to pass a job interview.

Dress well

The first impression matters. Dress professionally based on the image of that particular organisation. The interviewer will consider you as a right person who can fit into that organisation, one who can emphasize the organisation good image or improve it. No matter how bright you are dressing poorly may make you lose the job.

Arrive early

Arriving at the interviewing premises 20 or 25 minutes earlier enables you to relax, for a lady you can visit the restroom and check your hair, your make up if you applied any. For a gentleman, you can check you collar or your trousers in case you forgot to zip up. This is the right time to put your self in order to appear decent before the interviewing panel.

Sell yourself with your achievements

If asked about your achievements, talk about the good things you did at your previous company, the problems you solved, how you reduced at the cost of production, how you saved the image of the organisation among others. Don't fear to mention any good thing you have done even if it happened at your high school or campus. It may add you a credit.

Tell the truth

Do not lie about anything concerning your work history. Many people before the interviewing panel are tempted to lie bout their work experience. They do this to give an impression that they have the experience required for that particular job.

Thursday 29 November 2012

Job Seeking Tips For The Class Of 2012

Whether you have just graduated or are about to graduate, landing a job in the profession of your choice can be difficult and time-consuming. Most graduates pursuing accredited associate degrees, Accredited bachelor degrees, accredited master degrees and Accredited doctorate degrees are unsure about the steps they should take for job searching. In reality, there are many ways through which you can search for your dream job including networking with people, finding old colleagues, applying online, joining job portals, spotting the job postings in newspapers, hiring career coach etc. Job searching requires a lot of time and patience and it's easy to get frustrated and lose motivation. Given below are the top five job-seeking tips that can make this tedious process fast and rewarding.

1. Visit your college career center. Many of us are unaware of the value a college/university's career centre holds. Most schools' career centers have trained professionals who are in touch with changes taking place in the job market and who can advise you on how and when to apply for them. So whether you're pursuing an Accredited bachelor degree or an Accredited master degree, the career counselors present at your college/university's career center will filter the information to suit your preferences.

2. Everything around us is making a transition. Even the way hiring managers are searching for prospective employees is changing. Social media has now become a criterion and 80%-90% of hiring managers conduct background checks for the job applicants using social media (mainly Facebook). Having a powerful digital presence is a plus point when you are on the search of a job. Establish a professional online profile for the consistent representation of your personal brand that you can link to from anywhere you have a digital presence - email signature, Facebook, Twitter, blog, company website bio, etc. It is also wise to have positive and branded professional content under your name and Google yourself regularly.

3. LinkedIn is today's most popular and most critical tool for job searches for recent graduates. It has totally transformed the job search process. More and more employers and companies turn to LinkedIn to find suitable candidates. Create a LinkedIn profile for professional networking, making useful connections,

Tips For Job Searching in a Tough Economy

It seems that things are starting to slowly turn around in the economy. We have noticed that new job openings are slowly starting to hit the jobs boards. The good thing is that companies are starting to hire again. Unfortunately, it is going to be very competitive to get these jobs. We have noticed that companies are asking more of employees and not paying them what they should be making. People wonder why they are not getting calls from companies or why they never make it to the next round of interviews. Securing a job is not an easy task. You have to make sure that your resume and cover letter are up to date and stand out from the crowd. Also, make sure that your resume truly highlights your talents. Once the resume is complete, you must practice your interviewing techniques. You can have mock interviews or go on interviews for positions that you may not really want.

Practice will definitely help you. Remember to remain positive.

Here are some tips for you when you are searching for a job:

1. Make sure you follow directions - If asked to include your salary requirement, make sure you do it. If you do not, more than likely your resume will not be reviewed. If asked to include a reference number in the subject line, make sure to include it.

2. Always include a cover letter unless it specifically states not to include it. This gives recruiters additional information into your background.

3. Keep your resume as short as possible. One to two pages is enough. Recruiters will look at your resume for only 6 to 8 seconds!